Big Hole River 516 cfs—–Maidenrock
From the title list what more could you ask for? There is still some trico action but it doesn’t happen until about noon and then is pretty short lived but the fish are on em. Afternoons are small hoppers, ants, mayflies etc. depending on weather conditions.
In the bright sun yesterday we did tie into some nice trout on streamers. We would stop at a couple riffles and swing them through and it produced.
Yesterday we floated from Glen to Notch Bottom and had the whole river to ourselves. When we drove back I figured out why. That road down to the Notch is terrible—-wash board, pot holes, mud puddles that would swallow up a small rig. It is really bad. My shuttle crew basically told me they would need a lot more money to do that road again.
There is a little problem down at the Beaverhead. The lake turned over and the river was a mess for a couple days. Last report I got is that is starting to clear up and hopefully it will be back to normal soon.
The Big Hole has been fishing very well most of the time and we have not had to go the “dark side” for quite awhile. By that I mean having to do the nymph thing.
Forecast is for a few more showers and a bit cooler by Monday. Get that streamer rod out.