Big Hole River 430 cfs
Weather has been excellent and the top water action on the river is also. It takes until noon before things get started but last week was great. Forecast for the next week is for more of the same.
I took some pics of the progress on the dam as some were asking how it is going. The intake and wall structure on the north side is just about done. They will soon be diverting the entire river through the sluice way. I have heard of some people floating through this stretch. When they divert it into the sluice way you had better not try it. You will see on the pics just how narrow that passage will be. There is also pics of the balloons which inflate to raise the flow gate as more water is needed at the intake. Also a couple shots of work being started at Silver Bridge access.
The Melrose access is scheduled to open on Friday. Good thing as between access closures and shocking it has put a huge dent into where the guides could go and stay out of each others way.
Now for the fridge deal. I came home yesterday the fridge door was open and this pink liquid all over the place. Magnetic pics that were on the door were scattered all over the floor. I though somebody was in the house and had trashed the fridge. Upon further investigaion I found the culprit. There was a half gallon of Welches cherry burst fruit drink in the back of the fridge and I guess it had been there too long as it blew up and it really blew. The whole bottom half of the container was blown away. The name cherry burst I guess was for real. I thought refrigeration would stop that kind of thing but I guess I was wrong. I hate to think what would happen if I drank some of it. Probably would have blown up my gut pile.