Beef Cay
Current temp: 77, Wind NNE12
Lots of sun today starting about midday. I wasn’t going to go out as the wind was howling but with all that sun—couldn’t resist.
First flat that usually produces, nothing. Not a single fish.
Wind was blowing like stink out of the east so I decided to head to beef cay. It is somewhat protected from the east wind and there are always fish there. N0w getting them to eat is another thing. This place is no secret and gets hit a lot but there are some big bones that hang around there. Within a couple minutes I spotted two big boys. They were really close, like about 30 feet. Normally they would be gone but with the stiff wind and chop they were less spooky. Made the cast and hooked up. First bone this trip. He was making a hard run and into the backing I forgot I had some kind of knot from that cuda yesterday. Got to the knot, line stopped, fish kept going and popped that 13 pound leader in an instant. I thought, that’s ok, I hooked up with the big guy and my bad for not clearing that line. Such is fishing.